Wow. 2009. It's here. There is a ton of fear for this year over the economy. It does seem that it needs to get worse before it can get better. I'm choosing to believe this is going to be an amazing year for us. I never do resolutions. I think it's silly to set myself up for guilt over not accomplishing them. This year, I decided it was silly to decide I would not accomplish goals to feel guilty over, therefore not make them. So, I made some. I have to break things down to actually do them and I need help to do some of them. My first two are biggies. So, I've broken my resolutions into months. I don't do lists well. My process is going to be to art journal each journey, each month.
I'm not healthy. I'm overweight. I don't work out. I'm always tired. I'm sick of feeling this way. It's a choice, yes? So, I'm changing that starting Saturday. I got this amazing book called "
The Source" by Woodson Merrell. It rocks. Hands down, it rocks. It's not a diet book. It's an overall mind/spirit/body book. I'm pumped about it. There is a 21 day plan included in the book and so, this journey is my journey for January.
And, being that I need to make everything into a project, I'm doing an art journal to document my 21 days. I really, really need this. I'm excited about my art journal. It gives me an extra reason to succeed. After all who wants to have half done journals sitting around or worse yet, one that says, "yeah, I suck. I totally quit on day 2.". That is exactly what I do when I decide to do things. So, the art journal for me is a way to hold myself accountable.
I've fallen off the budget train. I discovered this gem of a book from a group of great gals on the kit site,
Willow Traders. I joined a group there to do this book in a private forum and it was exactly what I needed two years ago. I did great for a about a year, then I stopped following the budget and went back to my old, unknowing ways. It's time to get back on track and be in control, again. I think it's doubly important considering the state of our economy. Doing what I can do now to create security for my family is going to be a blessing in the year to come. The book is "
The Total Money Makeover" by
Dave Ramsey. It's practical. It's real. It's doable. The book is broken down into simple steps. Do step one and move on. He is a really down to earth man who's been through financial ruin and back. Nothing in this book is hard to do. It's just a matter of really wanting to do it.
I will be doing a 21 day journal for this, as well. It takes 21 days to make a habit and hence, I will break down each goal, each month into a 21 day journey. I plan to art journal each of my goals. These are the two I'm staring with. I have March and April slated, already. I like having books to aid me in the process, so I am planning to use them for each goal.
I haven't decided if I'm going to share my journal pages, here, yet. I will share my notes. I guess if my pages aren't too personal, I'll share them. And, hey, if you want to join me with your goal of choice, let me know. I'd love to visit your blog and follow you in your journey, too.