I hope everyone who celebrates, had a wonderful Holiday. My family is getting ready for the New Year and enjoying our time off together.
The biggest craft show of the year is right around the corner. With that comes all the anticipation of seeing what the scrapbooking manufacturers have created for our scrapbooking pleasure. Sneak peeks and some full reveals have already started and will continue through the last week in January just before the start of the show.
As usual, here is my post with some links to find all these wonderful sneaks:
1. Willow Traders (you have to be a member to see the list I maintain - so far, there is pink paislee, jillibean soup, gcd studios, hero arts, fiskars, sei, three bugs in a rug, crafter's workshop, little yellow bicycle and nikki sivils)
2. Scrapbook Update - Nancy hasn't listed anything, yet, but will soon start a great list of links.
3. Paper Crafter's Corner - This gal does a good job of sharing sneaks on her blog.
4. 2 Peas in a Bucket - Much closer to the show, 2Peas will open a CHA Sneak forum
It's a wonderful time of year! I keep reading rumors from many manufacturers blogs that this is their biggest show, yet. I hope that proves true because it means we scrapbookers/crafters are spending more money and that manufacturers are starting to expand. A thriving scrapbooking business is a good thing and has been much missed!
Have a wonderful Monday!